Calendário Econômico

Hora País Período Evento Sentido Previsão Anterior
29 de abril de 2020
Dia EUR calender forex Março German Prelim CPI m/m 0.3% 0.0% 0.1%
Dia JPY calender forex Bank Holiday
00:45 NZD calender forex Março Trade Balance 672M 700M 531M
01:01 GBP calender forex Março BRC Shop Price Index y/y -1.7% -0.8%
03:30 AUD calender forex CPI q/q 0.3% 0.2% 0.7%

CPI q/q

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    Sentido > Previsão

  • Fonte:

    Australian Bureau of Statistics

03:30 AUD calender forex Trimmed Mean CPI q/q 0.5% 0.3% 0.5%
08:00 EUR calender forex Março German Import Prices m/m -3.5% -2.3% -0.9%
10:00 CHF calender forex Credit Suisse Economic Expectations 12.7 -45.8
10:00 EUR calender forex Março M3 Money Supply y/y 7.5% 5.5% 5.5%
10:00 EUR calender forex Março Private Loans y/y 3.4% 3.8% 3.7%
11:20 EUR calender forex Abril Italian 10-y Bond Auction 1.78|1.3 1.44|1.5
11:37 EUR calender forex Março German 10-y Bond Auction -0.48|2.5 -0.34|1.8
12:38 GBP calender forex 30-y Bond Auction 0.61|2.3 0.68|2.4
14:30 CAD calender forex Março Foreign Securities Purchases 20.61B 9.05B 16.81B
14:32 USD calender forex Advance GDP q/q -4.8% -4.0% 2.1%

Advance GDP q/q

  • Melhor se:

    Sentido > Previsão

  • Fonte:

    Bureau of Economic Analysis

14:34 USD calender forex Advance GDP Price Index q/q 1.3% 1.0% 1.3%
16:00 USD calender forex Março Pending Home Sales m/m -20.8% -13.3% 2.3%
16:30 USD calender forex Março Crude Oil Inventories 9.0M 11.2M 15.0M
20:00 USD calender forex Abril FOMC Statement

FOMC Statement

  • Fonte:

    Federal Reserve

20:00 USD calender forex Abril Federal Funds Rate <0.25% <0.25% <0.25%
20:30 USD calender forex QII FOMC Press Conference

FOMC Press Conference

  • Fonte:

    Federal Reserve